
What is shadow work anyway?

Well, if you happened to go outside last night, you are probably aware that today is the full moon.  The Harvest Full Moon in Aries to be exact and it promises to be a real doozy.  The most powerful one in all of 2020 according to the astrologers I follow!  LOL!  Anyway, in my recent equinox email one of the 11 suggestions I made in order to make the best of the equinox energy was to engage in "shadow work" and honestly there is no better time than the full moon to illuminate the shadows, amirig…

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Surfing the Waves of Uncertainty


Well, it’s been a helluva week, hasn’t it?  My spidey senses say it’s going to be like this for a while, so I thought it would be a great time to talk about maintaining calm in the face of uncertainty.  The fact of the matter the uncertainty is pervasive throughout life, whether we are in the midst of an election or not.  We all experience uncertainty and lack of clarity all the time.  As they say, the only thing that never changes is change itself!  The truth is we can use this time in our live…

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Growing Pains...

Whew!  Wow things have changed since last Friday.  I truly hope this finds you well.  To say that the world is not in a graceful time would be putting it mildly.  No matter what your political beliefs and how you felt about the election or what your beliefs are about COVID and the spikes in cases, I do not think it’s controversial to say that things are pretty rough out there. Whether it’s effecting you personally or not, we are all a part of this collective angst and it’s hard to not be impacte…

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What’s “Trauma” Anyway? And How Do I Know If I’ve Cleared It?

Happy Friday!  You made it!  If you’re like many people here in the US, you might even be lucky enough to have next week off! Or at least some time off?

So as I mentioned last week, (remember? Probably not, but if you did, you would know that I promised you a blog that went deeper into the question “What is Trauma?”) So here it is!

I think it’s important to discuss these concepts right now because our trauma can lay dormant for years not impacting us at all UNTIL (badabadbum) our stress level …

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Divine Timing and Goals with Soul

As we enter into this last Full Moon of 2020 a lot of us have been taking time to reflect on what we’ve learned in 2020.  If you haven’t done so, I highly recommend it.  

I love the year-end practices of harvesting the gifts of the year almost gone and then dreaming and setting intentions for the new year to come.  I do this process several times a year because I love the energy of new beginnings.  I draw it out for months!  I start before the Solstice and usually go through to Chinese New Year…

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